Wow! My blog just received its 25,000th visit! How totally amazing that you are all checking in with my on my crafting journey - THANK YOU!
To say thank you, I will be giving away some blog candy. As I cannot currently post pictures to the site....yeah, still working on that technical glitz... I will describe to you what I am giving away and will post a picture as soon as I can!
What will be included, 2 stamp sets, assorted ribbons, rub-ons, 12x12 paper and some die cuts.
To enter, please leave me a comment with the number of your posted comment and I will use the random number generator tool to pick a winner at 9:00am PST on Saturday July 19th. Please check back on Saturday to see if you have won and instructions on how to provide me your address.
Thank you again for sharing my journey and good luck on the blog candy drawing!!